Public Relations

Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of.

Socrates, 470-399 BC

ATHOS understands the complex interactions between business, media, and politics that shape the national conversation. Our principals have designed and directed high-profile messaging campaigns for private-sector entities, non-profit organizations, and U.S. federal government agencies. We have been behind many notable speeches, op-eds, books, events, and media appearances.

Uniquely, ATHOS draws upon interdisciplinary knowledge in addition to extensive experience in Washington, DC to achieve client objectives. It is our belief that there are simply no substitutes for long-standing relationships, personalized outreach, and a command of the key issues. Those elements are central to mobilizing influential individuals and institutions and, ultimately, driving the narrative.

ATHOS campaigns involve:

  • Earned national-media booking and engagement
  • Influencer mobilization and coalition building
  • Communications audits
  • Messaging roadmaps
  • Op-eds, speeches, and corporate documents


With extensive experience on Capitol Hill and at the highest levels of the Executive Branch, ATHOS possesses a deep understanding of decision-making in Washington. Our public affairs practice builds influential coalitions by partnering with thought leaders and experts to advance meaningful policy change. By amplifying community voices, we cultivate broad support for critical legislative and regulatory initiatives.


ATHOS crafts tailored messaging that allows private-sector entities to simultaneously engage internal and external constituencies. We also strengthen brand identity and position principals as thought leaders in their industries.


ATHOS provides public- and private-sector organizations with the precise messaging and communications techniques to manage and overcome the toughest situations. We further offer the tools to preempt a range of reputational threats.


The court of public opinion increasingly influences the court of law. Having guided successful communications efforts involving high-profile Supreme Court cases, ATHOS knows how to prepare the national terrain for desired litigation outcomes.

Our Principal Attributes