
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.

Aristotle, 384-322 BC

ATHOS team members understand the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment and thought-leadership industries, and boast impressive records of scouting out, negotiating, and securing opportunities that change culture and make history. 


ATHOS manages the intellectual property of TV and film rights and excels at securing and negotiating options that protect creative assets and maximize their value. With deep connections in the entertainment industry, team members proactively promote client properties, engaging creatively to bring projects to life.


ATHOS discovers and negotiates contributorships with national TV networks, major radio shows, and cutting-edge new-media outlets. Team members advise clients and guide them into and through prominent and rewarding media careers.


ATHOS seeks out and negotiates exceptional speaking opportunities for top talent across various industries. Bringing speakers to powerful audiences, team members partner with clients to meaningfully impact the national conversation.

Our Principal Attributes